The concept of B-M-E is the basic framework for all dance compositions from the most basic to the most difficult. Teach B-M-E as dance’s main organizational framework for improvisation, composition and choreography. (Two-sided poster with teaching prompts on the back.)
Dance for the Body, and for the Mind, and for the Creative Spirit
Advocate for the holistic benefits of dance by displaying a poster like this where it will get the attention it deserves.
“The Dance Elements” Giant Wall Charts, Set 1 (use for all ages)
The elements of dance are essential to literacy in all aspects of dance (as a dancer, choreographer, critic, and historian). NCAS standards promote the dance elements as dance’s primary movement language. Each chart clarifies the key dance elements in the five main categories: 1) Body, 2) Space, 3) Time, 4) Energy, and 5) Relationship (BSTER). Increase enduring understanding of dance as a movement-based art with this conceptual language.
The Dance Elements are the most important vocabulary in educational dance.
6 Essential Questions, Set 1 (Responding Questions for Everyone)
This is the set of essential questions that forms the foundation for viewing dance. EQ Set 1–for everyone–is the starting place for investigating dance and discussing it. Start with this set. Add other sets to further diversify and deepen inquiry into dance. Written for all ages and ability levels (upper EL, MS, HS, higher education, adults and professional).
6 Essential Questions, Set 2 (Intermediate Responding)
This additional set of intermediate level essential questions posters focuses on analysis at a deeper level, artistic design, and impact.
6 Essential Questions, Set 3 (Advanced Responding)
This advanced set of six essential questions posters focuses on the finer aspects that make a dance work. It puts a magnifying glass on a piece of choreography for upper level learners. This set adds six more questions to increase inquiry into dance, to expand one’s vocabulary, and enlarge one’s understanding of choreography. Set 3 facilitates questioning and responding beyond the basic EQs found in Sets 1 and 2 for HS, college, and adults.
6 Essential Questions, Set 4 (Advanced Responding)
Six upper level posters delve into important questions of genre and style in dance. This set builds on the earlier Essential Questions posters by examining how a work relates to its broader contexts. In the process it clarifies numerous genres and styles. Geared to college, advanced high school, gifted education, professionals, and all dance aficionados, this set continues to deepen inquiry into dance. Ideal for dance analysis and dance appreciation. 13″ x 19″ full color, card stock.
Four Ways to Inquire in Dance” (set of 5)
How do you explain dance inquiry? Try showing how to inquire into dance’s artistic processes. Four posters ask the essential questions basic to each artistic process. Examine dance from the four perspectives shown on the cover poster. Develop habits of personal inquiry as creator, performer, responder/critic, and dance historian/anthropologist to make important connections. Alternate which perspective takes center stage and which plays supporting roles.
BUNDLE: Essential Questions Bundle (Intermediate-Advanced) (Sets 1, 2, & 3)” (set of 5)
Achieve NCAS standards for responding. Three sets of Essential Questions posters invite individuals to confidently engage with dance works and be able to decode them with confidence. Save by ordering three intermediate level sets in a bundle! 18 posters provide enough to mix and match to keep inquiry and responding fresh. Have enough to personalize the questions to the context of the work and student level. “Essential Questions Bundle” serves middle and high schools, dance studios, professionals, and college courses including Dance 101, Dance Appreciation, and Intro to Dance.
BUNDLE: 24 Essential Questions Super-Bundle (Sets 1, 2, 3, and 4) (Advanced)
Dance’s essential questions are best asked in batches. Included are 24 of the most important questions to ask about dance works. Each question is essential to dance literacy at upper levels. Instructive, invigorating questions provoke meaningful dialogue with all types of dance. Prompted answers show what to look for and subtly teach how to approach dance. Each set examines different layers of a choreographic work, be it professional or peer work. Save $25 by getting the whole bundle! Designed to mix and match as needed.
22 Ways to Vary a Phrase
1 color poster on sturdy cardstock, 19 x 13 inches, This poster is a work horse. In easy-to-understand language, this universal cue card specifies to all ages manipulative devices (or tools) available when manipulating movement–whether it is to
• guide movement exploration,
• lead improvisation, or
• alter across-the-floor sequences.
Post it year-round for ongoing reference to increase conceptual understanding and skill at all ages over Grade 3.
Dance Elements Wall Charts, Set 2 (for Higher Education)
The elements of dance are essential to literacy in all aspects of dance (as a dancer, choreographer, critic, and historian). Each poster details the elements related to: 1) Body, 2) Space, 3) Time, 4) Energy, and 5) Relationship (BSTER). Content aligns with the “Elements of Dance” chart in Teaching Dance as Art in Education. This set has five super-sized 24″ x 36″ color wall charts. Higher education.

The concept of B-M-E is the basic framework for all dance compositions from the most basic to the most difficult. Teach B-M-E as dance’s main organizational framework for improvisation, composition and choreography.

Take a Moment to Dance
Want a catchy image full of motion to grab attention as people walk into the studio? Let this “splashy” poster do just that!

The Body Is…
Dancers know the body is our instrument of expression. Here is a thoughtful, visual reminder that quietly calls attention to the many roles our body plays in and out of the studio.
A “Phrase” is a complete movement statement with a beginning-middle-ending. Give dance’s “smallest organizational unit” the emphasis it deserves. Use this two-sided poster to experience phrasing as essential to effective choreographing as well as to performance clarity.

Merge information with inspiration. Take the opportunity to emphasize the super-structure that governs the development of the whole and its parts in dance as all the arts. To put Beginning-Middle-Ending (BME) in this broad context underscores its universal importance. For MS, HS, adults.
Instill dance’s distinct three-step compositional process: Originate, Organize, Refine.
Within the three steps, also show the various choreographic processes available to aid composition. Learn them as essential to the craft of choreography as well as how to deploy at least one during each step.
5 Ws Poster Version 1
The 5W inquiry process generates important details to support or to launch a lesson. It directs thinking in the same way that the first paragraphs of an article directs attention to its main features — the “who, what, when, where” questions set the stage for the big question “why?”
All ages. Available in two color choices: Style #1 shown here:

5 Ws Poster Version 2
The 5W inquiry process generates important details to support or to launch a lesson. It directs thinking in the same way that the first paragraphs of an article directs attention to its main features — the “who, what, when, where” questions set the stage for the big question “why?”
All ages. Available in two color choices: Style # 2 shown here:
Dance Literacy Poster
Dance Literacy is the result of meaningful inquiry into dance from a number of perspectives. Alert all who enter your classroom that your standards-based teaching incorporates valuable educational components that lead to literacy in dance.