Keys To Developing Dance Literacy

Keys To Developing Dance Literacy

=Part 1 in a series=    Keys to unlock dance literacy are found in holistic models of dance education.  One holistic and adaptable model proposes that six defining characteristics explain and guide dance content and instruction in K-12. Successful implementation...
Join the Movement—the K-12 Educational Dance Movement

Join the Movement—the K-12 Educational Dance Movement

The New York City Department of Education and the New York City public schools partnership has made a significant impact on the quality of dance education in America.   Not only did they produce the Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Dance, Grades PreK-12 in...
Choreography Resources

Choreography Resources

  The stanzas in Choreographic Impulses to Explore, Improvise & Abstract are open-ended creative catalysts.  It is up to you to decide what to do with them.  They were envisioned to stimulate choreography yet are equally effective for creative dramatics,...
Transformational Teaching in Dance

Transformational Teaching in Dance

Article by  Julianna Gaillard Hane  (MFA, CLMA), January 2015    Our society is now experiencing the affects of information overload. Notifications and blinking lights bombard us 24/7. Anyone with a smart phone can find out just about anything they could ever...
2016 Dance Study-Abroad in Bali

2016 Dance Study-Abroad in Bali

  NOW BEING PLANNED! =“2016 Dance Study-Abroad in Bali”=   WANTED NOW:     University faculty who want to offer graduate level courses in Balinese dance, arts, and culture in May-June 2016.   Are you faculty at a college or university who dreams of...