by Sue White | Sep 26, 2019 | Dance Education
As we wrap up an intensive, invigorating, and rewarding week in Greenville, SC at the Dance Teacher As Artist (DTAA) Institute, which was funded by the SC State Department of Education in conjunction with Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Project, I am in awe of the...
by Sue White | Jun 14, 2019 | Dance Education
We are reposting this article to give wide exposure to it. It is informative and well-written and full of information that would answer the 40 likely questions you might want to know about classical ballet. So if you have wondered what it is like to perform the...
by Sue White | May 17, 2019 | Blog
“Heartfelt Congratulations on Culminating The 2018-19 School Year!” May 15, 2019 Guest Blog by Tressa Oswalt Congratulations! Most of you are getting close to the close of another school term – hopefully, a successful one. We at Dance Curriculum...
by Sue White | Nov 29, 2017 | Dance Education
A NDEO Moment at the 2017 National Conference By Cyndi Wellborn November 19, 2017 Although Brenda McCutchen was unable to attend the 2017 National Dance Education Organization conference in San Antonio Texas recently, that didn’t stop Dance Curriculum Designs...
by Sue White | Jul 18, 2016 | Blog
The Every Child Succeeds Act (ESSA) makes for a brighter future by broadening the perspective about what it takes to educate a child in today’s schools. That expansion bodes well for education which has unintentionally languished through the years of the No Child...