This Decoding Dance Works set (Set 3) contains 45 viewing card/strips with 90 comments (to add to the 180 in the previous two sets) to continue to increase the ability to make intelligent comments about dances they view. Set 3 offers all ages from 8 to 108 the ability to miraculously articulate details about a choreographic work they would not have known otherwise. Use them to increase dance literacy and develop vocabulary, sparking rich comments about what is happening in a dance work.
Not only do they work for one specific piece of choreography, they apply to any choreographic work and to all styles of dance. In addition, there’s a residual benefit of making viewers savvier over time by getting different cards in their hands when viewing other works. Also, increased literacy blossoms on hearing the classroom discussion which the cards spark. A must-have for any teacher without a strong background in dance analysis and critique–and for those who do.  If every dance appreciation professor and every dance teacher used them regularly, no doubt there would be a more dance literate population.
For more information on how to use the Decoding Danceworks Card set see our video titled: “How to use the Decoding Danceworks Cards.”
There are also more specifics on The Dance Literacy Toolkit One product page slide show. (Set 3 is from The Dance Literacy Toolkit One: Viewing Dance –Vocabularies for Critiquing —“The Ultimate Level.”)