Dance Elements Daisy – Press Release

Dance Elements Daisy – Press Release

PRESS RELEASE August 26, 2015 DANCE ELEMENTS DAISY™  Dance Curriculum Designs 803-754-7384   Dance Curriculum Designs announces the arrival of the innovative Dance Elements Daisy, designed to facilitate creative dance.  Geared to...


PRESS RELEASE June 6, 2015   Brenda Pugh McCutchen (Dance Curriculum Designs LLC) announces a newly completed stanza book, CHOREOGRAPHIC IMPULSES to Explore, Improvise, and Abstract.  (Special pre-publication orders are taken until July 15 at 25% off.) Its 187 poetic...
Keys To Developing Dance Literacy

Keys To Developing Dance Literacy

=Part 1 in a series=    Keys to unlock dance literacy are found in holistic models of dance education.  One holistic and adaptable model proposes that six defining characteristics explain and guide dance content and instruction in K-12. Successful implementation...
Join the Movement—the K-12 Educational Dance Movement

Join the Movement—the K-12 Educational Dance Movement

The New York City Department of Education and the New York City public schools partnership has made a significant impact on the quality of dance education in America.   Not only did they produce the Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Dance, Grades PreK-12 in...
Choreography Resources

Choreography Resources

  The stanzas in Choreographic Impulses to Explore, Improvise & Abstract are open-ended creative catalysts.  It is up to you to decide what to do with them.  They were envisioned to stimulate choreography yet are equally effective for creative dramatics,...