December 26, 2015
Chinese Version
Shanghai Music Publishing House, Human Kinetics, and Dance Curriculum Designs announce the publication of the Chinese edition of Teaching Dance as Art in Education. The comprehensive foundation for dance teacher preparation made its way into China through Professor Lu Yisheng, the former president of Beijing Dance Academy. Professor Lu is currently in charge of organizing the dance education system that will place dance teachers in China’s ordinary schools (i.e., public schools).
In 2012, Professor Lu Yisheng came to observe all ages of K-12 dance education classes in New York City schools and classes at NYU. His two week visit was hosted by Dr. Susan Koff of NYU Steinhardt School. He also came to review teacher preparation resources.
In a letter to author Brenda Pugh McCutchen, Professor Lu requested the translation rights to Teaching Dance As Art in Education saying, “I’m really excited when I read this book. It is exactly what I and the Chinese dance education needed. I want to publish this book and introduce it to all the dance teachers in China.”
Dr. Lu arranged for Shanghai Music Publishing House to translate the text into the Simplified Chinese Language (SCL). Not only is this translation a comprehensive dance education textbook for dance teachers in China, it also serves other Chinese readers worldwide who want to know of the depth and breadth of educational dance in K-12. The Chinese version is a large size (8.5” x 11” x 1.5”) with 534 pages bound in a durable cover, published May 2015.
See below for images of this product.
- TDAE (Chinese) available to residents of China at Chinese Version (¥103.50)
- Four first edition copies signed by the author: ($69)
- TDAE (English): English Version $69
For additional information contact
- (USA) or 803-754-7384.
- Alan Duan, Shanghai Music Publishing House, (China).