June 6, 2015


Brenda Pugh McCutchen (Dance Curriculum Designs LLC) announces a newly completed stanza book, CHOREOGRAPHIC IMPULSES to Explore, Improvise, and Abstract.  (Special pre-publication orders are taken until July 15 at 25% off.) Its 187 poetic impulses are expressly designed to stimulate original art-making on a wide range of topics.


The book’s artistic purpose is to inspire unique choreography, music compositions, visual arts, creative dramatics, and creative writing at high school, college, and professional levels.  Creative art-making ideas abound under five headings:  Nature and the World, Textures and Traditions, People and Places, Objects and Inspirations, Miscellany and Mischief.


Stanzas are to be enjoyed on their own, however their latent power is their burning desire to be transformed into new art works.  Each concise stanza offers a perspective from which to launch further artistic investigation on topics such as ADHD, Boardwalks, Cringing, Trombones, Thoroughbred, and Galaxies.  Share the news with other creative artists.


Choreographic Impulses is available to view at


197 spiral-bound pages in b/w with color pages (softback)


Price $49   ($36.75 Pre-publication Price through July 15, 2015 online)


Sample stanzas:

            Grouch.                    Betrayal.
    Ouch!  Piercing.          Relationship tested.
 Flings   snide   insults. Stretched.  Mended. .Restored.
     Every direction.           Longstanding trust
           Stinging.                    Broken.