6 Essential Questions, Set 1 (Responding Questions for Everyone)


This is the set of essential questions that forms the foundation for viewing dance.  EQ Set 1–for everyone–is the starting place for investigating dance and discussing it.  Start with this set.  Add other sets to further diversify and deepen inquiry into dance. Written for all ages and ability levels (upper EL, MS, HS, higher education, adults and professional).

SKU: 49173 Category:


Each of the six posters asks what is most essential to notice in dance. Potential answers not only start the conversation but also clue viewers into the numerous ways to look at dance. These posters educate by focusing attention on analysis, the elements of dance, and other vital aspects of dance viewing, such as searching out the intent and impact of a work.  The six 13″ x 19″ full-color posters are printed on sturdy semi-gloss card stock.